1- How to Measure Waistline and Hipline
2- Yi Related FAQs
3- Beyond Weight Program Related
Disclaimer: Ask your doctor if engaging in any diet, exercise or behavior modification program aimed at weight loss, diabetes prevention and management is restricted for you because of any medical condition or personal risks you may have. Your use of this App does not create in any way a patient-physician relationship or assign to us any duties or liabilities. Beyond Weight does not guarantee success and is not FDA approved.
How to measure waistline and hipline. See text below for description.
Frequently Asked Questions for Yi
1- How do I measure my waistline?
The medical waistline – as opposed to pants size – is measured at the belly button; keep the measuring tape flat, start at the belly button and circle around your back and come back to the belly button. Remember to write down your measurement. Measure in front of a mirror or with the help of someone.
2- How do I measure my hipline?
The medical hipline is the largest diameter around your hips – which is usually slightly below the buttocks or the glute muscles. Start your measurement from one hip and keep the measuring tape flat, circle around your body from hip to hip. Remember to write down your measurement. Measure in front of a mirror or with the help of someone.
3- What is Yi?
Yi or the Yavari-Indicator is a biometric algorithm that accurately estimates body composition and risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. It also sets weight loss goals.
4- How accurate is Yi?
Yi has been scientifically validated to be able to estimate muscle and fat mass within a couple of pounds to that measured by a body x-ray scanner.
5- What is body composition and why does it matter?
Body composition indicates our body’s muscle and fat mass as well as fat distribution. Body weight and BMI (Body Mass Index) cannot tell how much fat and muscle we have and these measurements can not tell if the fat is in the belly or not. Body composition has a more precise indication.
6- What is a good body fat percentage?
For women body fat percentage should be less than 27% and for men less than 23%. Fat percentage is determined by fat mass AND muscle.
7- Is it good to have plenty of muscle and what is an average muscle mass?
Muscle uses up blood sugar and burns calories. Therefore, muscle is good for fighting diabetes and to to keep weight stable. An average woman has about 110 lbs of muscle and an average man about 155 lbs.
8- Does it matter where most of body fat is?
Yes: Fat in the belly or abdominal fat (called central obesity) can cause diabetes while excess fat in the buttocks and thighs usually does not.
9- Does it matter where most of my muscle is?
Muscles in arms, legs and core are all equally helpful to maintain a healthy metabolism.
10- How can Yi predict diabetes risk?
Yi estimates body composition and that in turn predicts diabetes risk. This assessment was initially developed using body scans of thousands of men and women and was then correlated with the Yi biometric measurements.
11- How accurate is the Yi risk assessment?
In a study of over 20,000 individuals with blood tests, Yi could predict diabetes as well as the blood test HbA1c.
12- How do I interpret my diabetes risk as estimated by Yi?
The national average diabetes risk is 12%. Meaning amongst 100 random people 12 of them have diabetes. If Yi estimates diabetes risk to be high at 20% (or higher) then odds of diabetes is high. If Yi measure diabetes risk at around 6% or lower, then diabetes in unlikely.
13- What is Metabolic Syndrome?
People with pre-diabetes also called “borderline diabetes” or insulin resistance may have early cardiovascular disease or other conditions such as sleep apnea or PCOS (in women.) The combination of these conditions is called Metabolic Syndrome.
14- How do I interpret my risk for metabolic syndrome estimated by Yi?
For metabolic syndrome, the national average risk in middle aged adults is about 40%. That means amongst 100 random people in their 40s and 50s, 40 of them have metabolic syndrome.
15- Does Yi predict diabetes and metabolic syndrome risk in the future or now?
Yi estimates the chances of having these conditions now based on the measurements currently entered in the algorithm. Yi cannot predict future risks.
16- How does Yi set weight loss target?
Based on body composition and target body fat percentage.
17- How does Yi estimate timeline for target weight loss?
This estimate is based on average timelines of thousands of people who reached their target weight loss set by Yi.
18- How does Yi estimate a projected weight loss curve?
Studying thousands of men and women who lost weight and whose body composition was monitored a projected weight loss algorithm was created.
19- What does it mean if I am losing weight faster than my projected curve?
Sometimes it means that you are losing muscle. Muscle weights more than fat. Therefore, muscle loss accelerates weight loss. Recalculating Yi would show how much of your weight loss is fat or muscle loss.
20- What does it mean if I am losing weight more slowly than my projected curve?
If your weight is lagging the predicted weight based on your “Yi Curve” then it is likely that you need to be more diligent with caloric intake and exercise tracking. But as long as you are losing weight – even if slower than predicted - then you are succeeding.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Beyond Weight (BW) Program
1- How am I assigned to a meal plan?
BW uses Yi to estimate how many calories a person with a given body composition burns at rest. Based on that measurement – also called RMBR – people are assigned to meal plans that provide 1000 to 1800 calories a day.
2- What kind of nutrition composition do BW meal plans have?
BW meal plans are composed of healthy food choices that are low in carbohydrates and fat but not low in protein – this is to avoid muscle loss.
3- Are BW meal plans considered “high protein”?
The total amount of protein in BW meal plans are about the same as in an average Western diet. However, since fats and carbs are cut back, these meal plans have relative high protein percentages.
4- Do I have to follow BW meal plans exactly?
The short answer is no. BW meal plans are used as guidelines. Meals and snacks in the meal plans as well as all our recipes are recommended examples and can be modified.
5- How am I assigned to an exercise regimen?
BW uses Yi to estimate your body composition: your fat and muscle mass. If your Yi determines that you could benefit from gaining musculature then weight training would be recommended. If your Yi indicates plenty of muscle, then fat burning routines are recommended. Other factors such as BMI and age are also taken into account.
6- What if I use the Yi algorithm but choose to follow another weight loss program?
BW aims for weight loss by means of healthy lifestyle change AND focuses on relapse prevention. BW cannot endorse or disapprove any commercial weight loss plan or product.
7- How does BW change behavior if it does not offer coaching sessions?
BW helps you learn skills to lose weight and keep it off. It also uses a self-coaching methodology called Simulation Coaching™ that prepares participants for adversity and setbacks which could trigger relapse.
8- What if I have medical conditions that require changes in the BW program?
Always ask your doctor before you begin any diet or exercise program. If you have any conditions or if you take any medications that need to modify your plan, your healthcare provider could refer you to a dietitian and an exercise physiologist.
9- Can I put my BW program on hold if I have to?
BW is designed to coach you anytime anywhere as if it were your own “pocket coach.”
BW is a six-month program renewable as many times as needed. So, if you stop the program, you can resume (from the beginning) anytime in the future. All payments are non-refundable.
10- How successful is BW and does it guarantee weight loss?
BW has been tested and successfully practiced in various settings for the last two decades. BW does not guarantee weight loss and is not liable for any possible adverse effects such as sport injuries. BW is a lifestyle management software application for education, engagement and entertainment. BW is not a medical service and participation in the program does not establish a patient-physician relationship.